AIPA certified AI/IoT Fundamental Test Global (AIFTG) is a fundamental test and qualification that specializes in AI x IoT originating in Japan. The overview of AIFTG, requirements, KGI, pass rate, expiration date, fees, learning method for AIFTG are as follows.
AIPA certified AI/IoT Fundamental Test Global (AIFTG) is a fundamental test and qualification that specializes in AI x IoT originating in Japan. It aims at practicing digital transformation (DX), which is the concept that "the penetration of IT will change people's lives for the better in every aspect”, into our business activities.
We will provide a certificate and a certification logo to the certified as a privilege. Also, we will post the names and countries of those who agreed on our website.
Please take this opportunity to apply for the test and challenge acquiring AIFTG.
AIFTG will be implemented online, so you can take it at home or at office by using the Google Forms (test site).
Requirements of the AIFTG and its Key Goal Indicator (KGI) are illustrated at the following figures.
The test fee is US $ 50. The test will start in September 2021. Around 70-80% of applicants are expected to pass the test.
There is no expiry and renewal of qualification in AIFTG. After AIFTG is certified, we recommend to challenge higher qualifications such as AIPA certified AI/IoT Administrator (AIA) and AIPA certified AI/IoT Specialist (AIS) to improve AI/IoT skills and problem-solving skills.
※Click the figure to enlarge.
After acquiring the qualification, the following certificate will be presented as an official certificate (within around one week).
* The certificate of AIFTG will be sent as a PDF.
※Click the figure to enlarge.
Certified and successful applicants of AIFTG will be awarded with the following qualification logo, which can be used on your business cards and websites after obtaining the qualification.
※Click the figure to enlarge.
The learning method for AIFTG is as follows.
1. The test has 40 questions. Each question has 4 choices and is requested to select 1 correct answer. The test length is 60 minutes. If cannot complete the test within that time, the test will end automatically. Please be sure to finish in time. The test examines basic knowledge about the following four areas: collecting (IoT area), storing (BIGDATA area), analyzing (AI area), and protecting (Security area).
2. The possibility to pass the test will increase if you study more on IoT, BIGDATA, AI, and Security by attending related seminars and by studying books before the test.
If you have any inquiries on AIFTG, following is the contact information.
Project Promotion Group,
Global Connectivity Department, AOTS
TEL: 81-3-3888-8215 FAX: 81-3-3888-8242
※ In 2021, AI/IoT Fundamental Test Global (AIFTG) will be conducted in collaboration with the AOTS Research Institute of The Association for Overseas Technical Cooperation and Sustainable Partnerships (AOTS).
Q.Please write your thoughts on the AIFT exam.
A1.Opened an endeavor for me indulging in AI & IOT pedagogy
A2.It is challenging. But manageable.
A3.This test helped me to gain fundamental knowledge on AI-IoT.
A4.The questions were very thoughtful considering the application scenarios of the technological domains.
A5.Extremely helpful for copi future technology management and artificial intelligence.
A6.Test is good enough and it quite analytical to adopt the future challenges.
A7.The exam is quite challenging.
A8.The test is good enough and excellent interface for exam. I would like to sit for future exam.
A9.It is one of the most appropriate considering present business development
A10.The test was quite beneficial and improved my ability to comprehend the subject.
A11.Questions really asks brain to think before answer. Basic knowledge is put in very well manner.
A12.generous time limit, much appreciated. Maybe it is good to have an essay portion in order to more accurately grade the test-A13.takers' understanding of the lessons
A14.It is analytical test and we need to adopt the test to qualify future challenge.
A15.This test enable to refresh my through on IoT and related things. It's also gives me interest to learn more on this to make
A16.myself more compatible for test
A17.First time join this test like this, enjoying so much
AIPA certified AI/IoT Fundamental Test Global (AIFTG) is a fundamental test and qualification that specializes in AI x IoT originating in Japan
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